Look what I found while cleaning out the basement a bit... my board of doom, the cursed skateboard that helped me to break my leg back in 2004. Back then I swore a holy oath to never ever use a skateboard again, and guess what, I kept my promise :-) So, since I don't have any use for this board anymore ( I kinda accepted the fact that there is no promising carreer as a professional skateboarder ahead of me) I decided to put it on ebay, so if anybody is interested in breaking his leg too, this board might be a great help ;-) As soon as I put it on ebay I will post the link here.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
The board of doom
Look what I found while cleaning out the basement a bit... my board of doom, the cursed skateboard that helped me to break my leg back in 2004. Back then I swore a holy oath to never ever use a skateboard again, and guess what, I kept my promise :-) So, since I don't have any use for this board anymore ( I kinda accepted the fact that there is no promising carreer as a professional skateboarder ahead of me) I decided to put it on ebay, so if anybody is interested in breaking his leg too, this board might be a great help ;-) As soon as I put it on ebay I will post the link here.